Fixed Asset Management Software

Fixed Asset Management Software

FIXED ASSETS are items which are used by the organization to carry out its daily operations and production purpose. They are tangible as well as intangible in nature. Fixed assets are the most important part of a company’s functionality. All sizes of company from a big large organization to low mid-size use assets and tools for the production of goods and services which they sell in the market. Before the start of production, a company has to invest a high amount for purchasing fixed assets as per its requirement. Fixed assets are bought for long term purpose and have a useful life associated with it.

Examples of Fixed Assets:

  • Building Plant and Machinery
  • Patents
  • Trademark
  • Computers
  • Land


Maintaining fixed assets is a challenge most of the organization faces. The most important factor to look out for is scheduled an annual check on a regular basis, thus maintaining assets in a healthy way so they can perform at their optimal best and add value to an organization.

Checklist for maintaining assets:

  • Timely Inspection
  • Damage protection
  • Schedule Annual Maintenance
  • Repair assets
  • Replace in case of damage
  • Third party verification
  • Valuation on a timely basis
  • Getting Insurance coverage as the cost involved is high
  • Third-party Certification
  • Extended warranty
  • Thursday Regular audit
  • Follow Safety rules
  • Correct usage as instructed
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