Biometric Attendance Machine

Biometric Attendance Machine

Why Buy “Biometric Attendance Machine”?

In today’s modern era time has become a valuable commodity. In this age of industrial revolution and competition, we need to manage our as well as our employee’s time to get work done in the scheduled timeline for business growth and achieve desirable commitment. Managing time management for employees is a challenging task using an old dated method like maintaining an attendance register. The attendance data can be easily manipulated in the absence of authority. So to overcome this challenge a company can invest in buying an automated system like “Biometric Attendance Machine.

What Is Biometric Attendance Machine?

Biometric Machine is an electronic hardware device, which comes with a sensor and memory inbuilt in it. The machine runs on software preloaded inside it. The machines are available in different shapes, configuration, user capacity, and size.

Different variants of Biometric Attendance System Machine are:

  • Fingerprint Time Attendance Machine: This type of biometric attendance machine can read finger of the authorized person and capture him in and out punch data.
  • Finger And Card Based Time Attendance Machine : As the name suggests attendance can be marked with finger and card both as an alternative. Punch in and punch out data would get recorded in the system whenever the user comes and places either his finger or card against the machine sensor.
  • Face Reader Time Attendance Machine : As the name suggests the face reader machine uses the facial features of a registered person for attendance marking system.

The above mentions are some of the popular machine variants. These machines are easy to set up and operate.

Which Are The Best Popular Brands Of Biometric Machine To Buy: 

  • ESSL
  • Biomax
  • Real-Time

They are a lot of other brands as well but please check before buying.

How A Biometric Attendance Machine Works Or Operates:

Operation of the Biometric attendance system machine is simple. Mention below is step by step procedure for ease of understanding.

Step1: Power/switch on the machine
Step2: Go to user panel by clicking “Menu”
Step3: Go to “New user”
Step4: Register the employee’s finger/face/card. For registration press “Enroll” button and ask user to please his finger/face/card against the sensor
Step5: Fill in details like name, the employee no
Step6: Assign access right
Step7: Click on submit and done
Step8: Verifying the user registration by asking him or her to place his finger/face/card against the sensor.


How To Get Employees Attendance Data And Generate Reports?

Data can be taken from the machine through Pen-drive, LAN connection, Wi-Fi connection or push data technology. It completely depends on the type of Biometric attendance system been used. Most of the machine manufacturers companies provide their own attendance software along with the machine for ease of generating the reports. In case of no software, data can be simply exported in the computer and report can be generated in the excel format.

Popular software’s:
ESSL provides “etimetracklite”
Biomax provides “smartofficesuite”.


Can I Manage Multiple Shifts Or Employee Timing By Using The Same Machine?

The answer is certainly “YES”. You maintain multiple shifts including night shifts using the same machine.


How Does Machine Record Late Mark, Overtime For Employees?
The machine is just for accepting punches of the employees. But we can set required parameters for late going, early coming, overtime, weekly off and more in the software. So, if you are in Mumbai and looking for a trusted brand dealer for your Biometric attendance machine system installation requirement. Please do get in touch with us. We can easily set up and install a Biometric attendance machine system with software at a reasonable price with 1 year guaranteed support and services.


For inquiry or demo call on 7021507157.
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